Decoding the Effect of Google’s October 2023 Core and Spam SEO Updates

Dive deep into the effect of Google's October 2023 SEO shakeup after the latest core and spam updates. Get insights, strategies, and tips to navigate these changes effectively.
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Navigating the Storm: Unpacking Google’s October 2023 Updates

October has proven to be a whirlwind month for SEO enthusiasts and professionals alike. Google, in its quintessential mysterious way, unveiled a series of updates that have sent many of us scrambling to make sense of our traffic patterns. In this post, I’ll break down these updates, what they mean, and offer some sage advice on the way forward.

1. The October 4, 2023 Spam Update: A Deeper Look

Just a day prior to the core update, on October 4th, the Spam Update began its rollout. Here’s what it aims to tackle:
  • Cloaking Spam: This is the digital equivalent of a bait-and-switch, where users and search engines are shown different content.
  • Hacked Spam: Unsavory content is inserted into sites without the website owner’s knowledge.
  • Auto-generated Spam: Machine-generated content that’s devoid of value.
  • Scraped Spam: Content that’s less “inspired by” and more “lifted from” other sources.
Insight: It’s time for a thorough audit to ensure you’re not inadvertently violating any of the above spam practices.

2. Google’s October Core Update

The digital realm was still coming to terms with the August core update when Google surprised us all with another on October 5th, 2023 a day after the Spam Update. As for the specifics of this update? Google remained enigmatic, describing it as “a general improvement in how we rank.” When pressed for more details, John Mueller from Google just “Bits and bobs”. This, to me, suggests minor yet significant algorithm adjustments. Recommendation: For those who’ve seen a traffic drop post-October 5th, and if you’ve always prided yourself on ethical SEO practices and quality content, this core update might be the culprit.

3. A Brief Hiccup: The Indexing Issue

Google’s Search Status dashboard flagged a brief issue on October 5th about a delay in indexing new content. However, Google fixed the glitch within an impressive 6-hour window. Advice: Always be vigilant after such alerts. Regularly check whether your newest pages are being indexed appropriately.

4. The Road Ahead

Facing a storm of updates might make you want to batten down the hatches or change course abruptly. But here’s my strategy for smooth sailing:
  • Backlinks: Steer clear of aggressive backlinking for now.
  • Content: Keep the compass pointed towards high-quality, authentic content.
  • Updates: Maintain a steady pace, introducing new pages weekly to keep things fresh.
  • Side-note for technical SEO – INP: Continue to improve your INP scores.
Here’s an additional note on trustworthiness: Ensure that your homepage and “about” pages contain sufficient content to establish the identity of the business entity. Whether it’s a single individual, a community, or a company, it’s essential to communicate credentials, highlight expertise, and firmly establish who you are on the homepage and throughout the site.


October 2023 has thrown us a few curveballs, but with a clear understanding and the right strategy, navigating the choppy SEO waters becomes manageable. The key is to stay informed, adapt, and always, always prioritize quality. With these in hand, we’re ready to ride the waves of any update Google sends our way. Happy optimizing!

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