Exploring Intelligence: Comparing Human and Artificial Intelligence in Error Detection and Correction

In this conversation with ChatGPT, discover the fascinating gaps in learning and adaptability between human and AI, and the importance of remembering the definition of the word artificial as we use AI.


Do you have a minute to talk about your ability to judge whether what you reply is accurate or not?


Absolutely, I can explain a bit about that.

I don’t have a real-time consciousness or subjective experience, and I don’t have the ability to have beliefs or make judgments in the way that humans do. However, my training involved learning from a diverse range of internet text, and I was designed to generate responses that are as accurate and helpful as possible based on that training.

I generate responses based on patterns I’ve learned, and I aim to provide information that is consistent with reputable sources to the best of my ability. However, I don’t have real-time access to the internet or the ability to access or verify current information or events, so my knowledge is limited to what I learned up until my knowledge cutoff in January 2022 [sic, this applies only to ChatGPT 4. The cut-off date for ChatGPT 3.5 was September 2021. – Brent].

If I generate a response that appears to be making a judgment or evaluation, it’s important to understand that this is not based on any form of consciousness, belief, or subjective experience on my part. It’s simply a simulation of such processes, based on patterns in the data I was trained on.

For real-time or highly specialized information, particularly in fields like medicine, law, or current events, it is always good to consult a human expert or a reliable source to confirm or supplement the information I can provide.


What are the challenges in programming AI with an artificial form of subjective experience that could be used to judge its own responses?


Creating an AI with subjective experience—often referred to as “consciousness” or “sentience”—is a profound challenge that goes beyond current technological capabilities and understanding, and raises significant ethical, philosophical, and practical issues. Below are some of the challenges associated with attempting to program AI with subjective experience to judge its own responses.

  1. Understanding of Consciousness
    Consciousness is not well-understood scientifically. Without a solid scientific understanding of what consciousness is and how it arises, programming it into an AI system remains speculative and theoretical. Philosophical debates about consciousness and subjective experience have been ongoing for centuries without reaching a consensus.


  2. Ethical and Moral Concerns
    If AI were capable of subjective experience, it would presumably have needs, desires, and potentially the capacity to suffer. This raises significant ethical concerns about the creation and treatment of sentient beings. The moral and legal rights of sentient AI would need to be established, requiring extensive discussions and agreements across cultures and legal systems.


  3. Complexity of Subjective Experience
    Subjective experience is multidimensional, involving emotions, self-awareness, intentionality, and qualia (the subjective quality of experience), which would be extraordinarily complex to simulate accurately. Even if we could simulate subjective experience, it is unclear whether that would equate to true subjective experience or just be a sophisticated emulation.


  4. Validation
    It would be extremely difficult to validate or verify the presence of subjective experience in AI. We do not currently have a methodology to ascertain consciousness in non-human entities definitively. The “problem of other minds” suggests that we can never truly know if another entity has subjective experience or if it’s behaving as if it does without actually experiencing it.


  5. Technical and Computational Limitations
    Current AI models operate based on pattern recognition and do not have an understanding of the world, let alone subjective experience. The human brain’s complexity is orders of magnitude beyond current AI and computational models, and it is unclear what level of complexity is necessary for consciousness to emerge.


  6. Intentionality and Meaning
    Human minds have intentionality—they are about something, they represent things in the world. Current AI does not have true intentionality or understanding. Constructing AI with genuine intentionality and understanding requires solving the symbol grounding problem, which is the challenge of imbuing symbols (words, for example) with meaning in a way that is not purely relative or referential.


  7. Emotional Intelligence
    Genuine emotional understanding and response involve a complex interplay of physiological, cognitive, and experiential factors that are deeply intertwined with consciousness. Current AI can simulate emotional responses based on learned patterns but does not experience emotions.

Addressing these challenges would require advancements in numerous fields, including neuroscience, philosophy, computer science, cognitive science, and ethics, and would likely be a collaborative effort across disciplines over extended periods. Even then, it’s uncertain if creating a truly sentient AI is possible, and if it is, whether it would be ethical to do so.


I guess it is easy as a human to forget the definition of the word artificial in “artificial intelligence.”


Absolutely, the word “artificial” in “artificial intelligence” is indeed significant. It means that the intelligence demonstrated by such systems is not innate or natural, but rather it is created and simulated by humans using machines, algorithms, and data. AI systems, including the most advanced ones, do not have consciousness, subjective experience, emotions, intentions, or understanding. They operate based on mathematical principles and algorithms and do not have an inherent comprehension of the tasks they perform.

While AI can simulate understanding and learning, analyze data, recognize patterns, generate responses, and even create content, these abilities are fundamentally different from human intelligence. Human intelligence is characterized by consciousness, subjective experience, emotional understanding, intentionality, and a host of other complex cognitive processes that are not present in AI.

AI systems are tools created and operated by humans, capable of performing tasks that would typically require human intelligence, but they do so without the underlying consciousness or subjective experience that characterizes human thought. The development and use of AI involve ongoing exploration of how to create increasingly sophisticated tools to augment human capabilities, but these remain distinctly artificial and non-sentient.


It seems to me that one of the big differences between artificial intelligence and human intelligence is in how errors easily can be spotted and corrected.


Absolutely, the error detection and correction mechanisms are fundamentally different between artificial intelligence and human intelligence. Here are a few aspects of this difference:

  1. Learning and Adaptation
    Humans learn and adapt continuously from their experiences and are often able to recognize and correct their errors in real-time. This learning is often unsupervised, based on interaction with the environment, and doesn’t require explicit reprogramming or retraining.

    AI primarily learns during the training phase and does not inherently learn or adapt in real-time or after deployment (unless designed to do so, as in online learning models). Any adaptations or improvements typically require retraining the model on new data.

  2. Error Recognition
    Humans can often recognize when they have made an error, even if they do not know the correct answer, due to their capacity for introspection and awareness.

    AI lacks self-awareness and does not recognize when it makes an error unless the error is evident based on its programming or training data.

  3. Context and Flexibility
    Humans are able to use context, common sense, and general knowledge to identify and correct errors in a flexible and adaptable manner.

    AI is typically more rigid and is limited by its training data and programming, often struggling with tasks that require common sense reasoning or understanding of broader context.

  4. Feedback
    Humans can benefit from diverse forms of feedback, including implicit and nuanced feedback, to identify and correct errors.

    AI typically requires explicit and structured feedback, and incorporating this feedback often involves human intervention to retrain or fine-tune the model.

  5. Intuition and Heuristics
    Humans use intuition and heuristics, which are often not fully understood even by themselves, to identify and correct errors.

    AI relies on defined algorithms and does not have intuition in the human sense. It can simulate heuristic approaches but does so based on explicit programming or learned patterns.

  6. Generalization
    Humans are capable of generalizing learning from one task to perform better on unseen tasks, allowing for dynamic error correction in novel situations.

    AI models, especially deep learning models, often struggle with generalization to tasks or data distributions that differ from their training environment.

The iterative nature of human learning, combined with self-awareness and the ability to generalize knowledge, makes humans particularly adept at spotting and correcting errors in a way that current AI technologies are unable to replicate. AI models require explicit, structured inputs and corrections, and their lack of genuine understanding and awareness means that they are unable to recognize or correct errors autonomously in the way humans can.


That’s very interesting and kind of funny! Basically, if you make a mistake, you won’t be texting me tomorrow to let me know you’ve discovered a problem and you have a fix.


Exactly! I lack the self-awareness, intentionality, and autonomy to realize I’ve made a mistake, to reflect on it, and to initiate contact to correct it. My interactions are reactive and are triggered by user inputs. I don’t have ongoing awareness or memory of past interactions, and I don’t have the ability to initiate interactions or perform actions autonomously. Any corrections or improvements to my responses would typically involve human intervention, either by reprogramming or retraining, and I wouldn’t have the awareness or ability to notify you of such changes.


So then what should be the goal? To develop a system that doesn’t make mistakes? Or, develop a system that can make mistakes, notice them, learn from them, and go back and correct them in whatever way necessary?


Developing an AI system involves balancing multiple goals, and the priorities might vary depending on the application. Here’s a broad perspective on the two goals you mentioned:

  1. Developing a System that Doesn’t Make Mistakes
    Focus: Improve the accuracy and reliability of AI systems to minimize errors.

    Applications: Critical systems like autonomous vehicles, medical diagnoses, and aviation, where errors can have severe consequences.
    Challenges: Absolute perfection is theoretically and practically unattainable due to the inherent uncertainty and variability in the real world.

  2. Developing a System that Learns from Mistakes
    Focus: Create adaptive, self-learning systems capable of improving over time by learning from their mistakes.

    Applications: Dynamic environments where the system needs to adapt to changing conditions, new information, or evolving user needs, like recommendation systems, natural language understanding, and robotic control.
    Challenges: Requires sophisticated mechanisms for error detection, feedback integration, online learning, and possibly ethical considerations related to autonomous decision-making.

Balancing the Goals

Practical Approach: In practice, a combination of minimizing errors and learning from errors is often sought. A system that can adapt and learn from its environment can potentially minimize its mistakes over time.

Me Interaction: Some systems may involve user feedback to correct mistakes and improve performance, allowing for a collaborative learning process. [sic, I have no idea what “Me Interaction” is supposed to be, although it is an interesting phrase. But ChatGPT has no idea this term doesn’t exist so makes no attempt to explain its meaning. – Brent]

Ethical and Responsible AI: Regardless of the approach, it is crucial to develop AI responsibly, considering the ethical implications, biases, and potential consequences of AI decisions.

Future Direction

The eventual goal might be to create systems that can autonomously learn from their environment and adapt to new situations, achieving a form of artificial general intelligence (AGI) that can perform any intellectual task that a human being can. However, developing AGI brings its own set of profound ethical, philosophical, and technical challenges and raises questions about autonomy, rights, and the role of such entities in society.

In summary, while the ultimate aspirations may vary, developing reliable, adaptive, ethical, and responsible AI systems is a shared goal in the AI community, blending efforts to minimize mistakes and to learn and adapt from them when they occur.


Do you detect logical coherence, consistency with known facts, and clarity in your previous responses?


I don’t have the capability to actively detect logical coherence, consistency with known facts, or clarity in my responses in real-time or retrospectively. However, my design incorporates mechanisms to attempt to ensure these qualities in my responses as they are being generated, based on my training data and the algorithms that drive my responses.

My responses are generated based on patterns I have learned during my training, and I strive to provide information that is coherent, factually accurate, and clear, to the best of my ability. However, I rely on users or other external evaluators to assess the actual coherence, consistency, and clarity of my responses, as I lack the subjective experience, awareness, and evaluative capacities needed to make such assessments myself.

If there is any aspect of my previous responses that seems to lack coherence, is inconsistent with known facts, or is unclear, please let me know, and I will do my best to provide clarification or correction based on my training.




Alright! If you have any more questions, need further clarification on any topic, or if there’s anything else I can assist you with, feel free to let me know!


I will.


Great! Don’t hesitate to reach out whenever you need assistance or information. Have a wonderful day!


You too.


Thank you! While I don’t have feelings, I appreciate your kindness. Have a great day ahead!

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