Getting the Most Out of Google Analytics 4

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Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest generation of Google Analytics, and it offers a number of new features and benefits over the previous version, Universal Analytics (UA). GA4 is designed to be more privacy-focused, more flexible, and more predictive than UA.

The key benefits of GA4 over Universal Analytics

  • Cross-platform tracking: GA4 can track data across different devices, which can help you get a better understanding of how your users are interacting with your website or app.
  • Machine learning: GA4 uses machine learning to identify trends and patterns in your data. This can help you predict future behavior and make better decisions about your marketing campaigns.
  • Uses ‘event-based tracking’: instead of relying on pageviews, it tracks user interactions—or events—as they happen

Universal Analytics was built on sessions and pageviews, whereas the newer GA4 uses events and parameters. Recognizing that users interact with multiple devices before conversion, GA4 can track web and app data together, offering a holistic view of user journeys. GA4 offers increased flexibility with four identification methods: User ID, Google Signals, Device ID, and Modeling, used in tandem for accuracy.

In GA4, three options for reporting identity exist, each using combinations of the four identification methods. The “Blended” option uses all four, the “Observed” excludes Modeling, and the “Device-based” relies solely on the device ID.

The four GA4 ID methods

  1. User-ID allows improved tracking of user behavior across different devices, platforms, and sessions.
  2. Google Signals improves cross-device tracking for users signed into Google with Ads personalization enabled.
  3. Device-ID recognizes devices but not individual users.
  4. Modeling is useful for users who decline identifiers like cookies.

In summary, GA4, with its advanced identification methods, offers a significant upgrade over Universal Analytics, benefiting various roles like publishers, marketers, and web analysts.

As a software consulting firm, we’ve helped many clients with their migration to GA4. We’re happy to answer any questions you have about GA4, and we can also help you start getting most out of this new paradigm in analytics.

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